
clarity in sanctions

Companies can no longer afford to overlook sanctions regulations due to the severe consequences of non-compliance. Ignoring or even overlooking these regulations exposes companies to the risk of crippling fines, irreparable damage to their reputations, and the looming threat of being designated or blacklisted. However, navigating the sanctions landscape is a demanding task. Sanctions regimes, imposed by a multitude of jurisdictions, may overlap or contradict, leaving companies uncertain about their business actions. Moreover, sanctions change rapidly, and compliance requirements today are not the same as tomorrow. These are just a few of the critical reasons why you need our assistance. We help you verify your business activities against applicable sanctions regulations, for this, we offer three different packages.

Our Packages

Initial assessment


Our initial assessment meeting is a complimentary service lasting 15-30 minutes.

In this meeting you may discuss your case with one of our sanction’s experts, share your concerns, and we’ll direct you to the most efficient and effective solution for your specific needs.

1-8 hours sanctions consulting


This package allows you to submit cases requiring up to 8 hours of our time to resolve.

Please note that this package does not include any discounts.

9-20 hours sanctions consulting


This package offers 20 hours of service and offers a 10% discount on our hourly rate.

You can submit a complex case or multiple cases that collectively require up to 20 hours of our time.

21-40 hours sanctions consulting


This package includes up to 40 hours of service and offers a 15 % discount on the hourly rate.

You can submit a complex case or multiple cases that collectively require up to 40 hours of our time within a three-month period.

Please note that the delivery timeframe for the first package is a maximum of two business days. For subsequent packages, we will provide a status update and outlook within two business days. If a client chooses to bypass the initial assessment and purchase a package directly, we reserve the right to contact them within two business days to explain that the estimated timeframe may be insufficient for their case.

Project Support

We also offer a project-based package where one of our experts will work as a part/full-time consultant for your firm for a specific duration.